Show Up, Even When It’s Hard

Last year, I hired YuYu (great guy!) to revamp my website. I also made a personal commitment: to write and publish something every single day. But here’s the kicker – I didn’t show up.

The past year spiraled into a whirlwind of craziness, a rollercoaster with its highs and lows. I could sit here and list a thousand reasons why I fell short, why I didn’t stick to my promise. But the truth is, excuses won’t cut it.


Let’s talk about resistance. If you’re out there trying to create something that truly matters, you’ll know it well. It’s that sneaky voice in your head that makes you hesitate, the force that pulls you away from your work. It can take on a million different forms, each one more convincing than the last.

Speaking of resistance, have you ever read “The War of Art” by Steve Pressfield? If not, I highly recommend it. This book opened my eyes to the battle we face when we’re chasing something meaningful. It’s about dancing with our fears, about acknowledging the resistance and still forging ahead.

So, what’s the takeaway? It’s simple: show up, no matter how tough it gets.

Looking back at what I’m writing right now, I realize I’ve been down this road before. But this time, things are different. This time, I’m not just making empty promises. I’m here, writing these words, owning up to my lapse and rekindling that commitment.

This isn’t about sounding fancy or getting attention. It’s about holding myself accountable. Tomorrow is another chance, a blank page waiting for me to fill it with my dedication.

See you tomorrow!


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