To AI or Not: Leading Change

Earlier today, we experimented with Microsoft Co-Pilot to break down features into user stories. With just a few prompts, we had user stories complete with testable acceptance criteria.

This exercise highlighted a key point: user stories are not about the exact wording. They’re about the conversations they spark.

This isn’t new information for many of us, but it’s worth reiterating. The real value of user stories lies in the discussions they initiate, not the specifics of their phrasing.

As I reflect on this, I wonder why so many resist adopting tools that could enhance their productivity and ease. Is it the fear that understanding these tools might make us less relevant?

Technology isn’t here to replace us. It’s here to enhance us. When was the last time you bought a newspaper? Print media has diminished, but media organizations have adapted and thrived. We too can adapt.

I’m a writer. I’ve always been a writer. When print was the norm, I wrote for print. When digital emerged, I made the switch. Technological advancement disrupts our familiar processes but also opens up new opportunities.

Fifty years ago, there was no internet. Today, it underpins billion-dollar enterprises. Change is inevitable. We can’t fight it; we must embrace it. It starts with a conversation.

That’s how we lead change.

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