We Are Here Every Day

Yesterday, I missed my flight. As I stood there, sorting out the rescheduling, the airline representative said something simple yet profound: “We have two flights that leave for that location. One at 12:30 PM and another at 7:30 PM. We are here every day.”

That phrase stuck with me. There’s something powerful about showing up consistently, no matter what. The airline has a schedule. They’re here every day, ready to fly, regardless of what happens. Even when things go wrong—weather delays, mechanical issues—they still make the effort to be there.

It got me thinking about my own commitments. Writing, for instance. I’ve made it a habit to write daily, but hearing that statement made me realize the importance of not just writing, but publishing—showing up and delivering, no matter what.

So here’s my new commitment: I’ll publish my work every day by 6 AM. It’s not just about writing; it’s about making a promise to myself and keeping it. Consistency isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s essential.

And this idea doesn’t stop with writing. We all have something we should commit to—whether it’s learning a new skill, launching a cause, or simply dedicating time to something we believe in. It’s not about perfection; it’s about showing up, every single day, drip by drip, making progress.

Start now. Focus on what you can control. Show up, even when it’s hard. Put your work out there, make mistakes, and then make better mistakes. It’s not about avoiding failure; it’s about learning and growing through it.

So, what’s your daily commitment? What will you show up for, every day? It doesn’t have to be grand. It just has to be consistent.

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